6 Ways To Tell A Genuine Cash Advance Lender From A Fraud


Real cash advance companies are simply small lenders that help employed people cover unexpected dental visits or car repair bills. Unfortunately, plenty of Internet scams pretend to offer these kinds of loans while stealing money and personal information at the same time. Double-check that your lender is a genuine service provider with these six tips for avoiding schemes and scams. Look for Local Branches If the cash advance company has a physical location somewhere in your state, you know it is complying with state laws regarding fair lending and privacy.

24 August 2015

5 Ways To Maximize Your Tax Deductions For Charitable Donations As A Small Business


Just like individuals, small businesses can claim tax deductions for qualifying charitable contributions. Charitable contributions can support your community, garner interest in your business, and make you and your employees develop a positive self-image, all while saving you money on your taxes. However, to make the most of your charitable contributions, you should understand these basic tax rules and accounting methods.  Contribute to Qualifying Charitable Organizations  There are many worthwhile organizations that do not have tax exempt status.

14 August 2015

3 Tips To Avoid Scams When You Transfer Money


Sending or transferring money to another person is simple with today's technology. You only need someone's email address or cell phone number to transfer money to them. But, beware of thieves who are using the simple process of money transferring to steal your money. Here are three tips to help keep you safe from being a victim of money transferring scams. Avoid Fake Bill Payment Apps If you use your smart phone to pay your bills online, be careful to only install and use real apps from the company you are doing business with.

14 August 2015